Surah Al-Maidah is the 5th surah of the Muslim religious book, the Qur’an, which has 120 verses and 18 ruku’s. The Surah was revealed in Medina. It is named after the word ‘Maidah’ mentioned in a verse of 15 Ruku of this Surah. The word mayidah means ‘dining table’ or ‘a table in which food is served’. Like most of the surahs in the Qur’an, the name of this surah has nothing to do with its subject matter. It has been called by this name merely to distinguish it from other Surahs.
Basic Features of this surah:
It’s the fifth surah of Al-Quran. Al-Maida includes 120 verses along with 16 rukus and no sizdah. It was emerged after sura An-Nisa and before surah Al-AnAmm.
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Surah Maidah Transliteration in English
Surah Al Maidah TransliterationSurah Maidah Translation in English
Surah Al Maidah TranslationInner Meaning:
Actually this surah indicates towards more rules about the religious, cultural and political life of Muslims. In this context, the rituals of Hajj are determined. Respect for Islamic symbols and no hindrance to those who visit the Kaaba are commanded. The final limits of halal and haram are introduced in the content of food and drink. The imaginary barriers of the pre-Islamic era were lifted. The People of the Book are allowed to eat and drink and marry their daughters. The rituals of ablution, bathing and tayammum are prescribed. Rebellion and anarchy were created and the punishment of theft and robbery was introduced. Alcohol and gambling are ultimately forbidden. The expiation for breaking the oath is prescribed. Several more sections of the Testimony Act were introduced.
Another meaning stands like-Advising Muslims. Now that the Muslims have become a ruling group, they have the ruling power in their hands. Many nations go astray due to its intoxication. The era of oppression was coming to an end and many more Muslims entered the era of more difficult trials. Therefore, by addressing them, they have been repeatedly advised to follow the principles of justice, fairness and balance. Avoid the attitudes and principles of the People of the Book before you. Be steadfast in your obedience to the Almighty and your commitment to obey His commands and follow the book to judge for yourselves. Avoid hypocritical principles.
The Final Words:
This Surah was revealed at the end of 6 AH or at the beginning of 6 AH after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. This is clear from the subject matter of the Surah and the various narrations of the Hadith also prove its authenticity. The event of the month of Zilqad in the sixth Hijri. Fourteenth, Prophet Muhammad arrived in Makkah with the Muslims to perform Umrah. But the Quraish disbelievers, out of enmity, completely opposed the oldest religious tradition in Arabia and did not allow him to perform Umrah.
After much debate and debate, they agreed that next year you can come to visit the house of God. At that time, on the one hand, it was necessary to inform the Muslims about the rules of pilgrimage for the purpose of visiting the Ka’bah, so that they could go on Umrah next year with full Islamic dignity, and on the other hand, they needed to be warned not to allow them In response to the transgression that they have committed, they themselves have taken the lead so that they do not commit any wrongdoing and oppression on the disbelievers again. Because many infidel tribes had to travel through Muslim-dominated areas for Hajj.
In the same way that the Muslims were not allowed to visit the Ka’bah, they could have forcibly blocked the way of visiting the Ka’bah of these disbelieving tribes. This is the context in which the introductory speech at the beginning of this Surah is discussed. This issue has been raised again in the front thirteen ruku’s. This proves that the same speech continues from the first ruku to the fourteenth ruku.