Surah Hajj Full PDF – Read Online

Surah Al-Hajj is one of the most significant Surah in Quran ul Kareem which clearly defines the fifth pillar of Islam, the Hajj. The rituals of pilgrims in Makkah are meaningfully described in this surah. 78 verses of the surah powerfully aware the polytheists of Makkah but declared good news from Allah Subhan Allah Hu Ta’ala for the Muslims, the true believers. The surah also mentioned the greatest prophets like Nuh (peace upon him), Lut (peace upon him), Ibrahim (peace upon him), and Musa (peace upon him).

It is a Madani Surah, consisting of 78 verses. The surah is 22 number Surah of Quran ul Kareem. It has 1274 words, 10 Ruku and 2 Sijdah. The Surah was received by Prophet Muhammad in the 12th year of his prophecy. Specialists say that it is the 103rd surah from chronological order.

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Surah Hajj Transliteration in English

Surah Hajj Transliteration

Surah Hajj Translation in English

Surah Hajj Translation

Explanation of Surah Al-Hajj:

Every surah was sent by the Almighty Allah to Hazrat Muhammad (Peace upon him) for a very objectified reason. Surah Al-Hajj was not apart from this aim of Allah. But still, we will try to understand the verses of this Surah in the article so that the messages needed to spread among mankind will be realized properly.

Allahu Ta’ala is only one creator of this massive universe, He is the owner and provider to the creations of Him. But 1400 years ago in Jaziratul Arab, people did not know about the Almighty Allah and they were engaged with worshipping clay sculptures or natural forces like water, wind, fire and sky, etc. Again, some people were there also, who didn’t believe in any kind of worship neither they were aware of the Almighty Allah. Allah Subhan Allahu Ta’ala sends a messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him), to enlighten these people about the true path of Islam. But most of the people went against the Prophet and they became his worst enemies.   In the Surah Al-Hajj, Allah Subhan Allahu Ta’ala says to the polytheists that they are misfortunate and ignorant so that they still keep faith on their deities instead of bringing belief for Allah. Again they refused the Prophet to repay the contract of Hudaibiyah. So, their ending would be as painful as their non-believer forefathers. Negligence towards the holy Prophet Muhammad would cause them to suffer the wrath of Allah. So, this was high time they leave polytheism and receive the invitation of becoming Muslim by the Prophet. The wavering Muslims of that time in Makkah and Madinah were tired of facing the hardships and struggles, so to them, the Almighty Allah indicates wavering behavior; they are embracing misfortunes and punishments which are imposed on them by Allah Subhan Allahu Ta’ala.

Surah Al Hajj indicates that the Masjid Ul Haram is not the private property of the Quraish of Makkah. Muslim pilgrims can of course visit the place during Hajj season. So, the Muslims in Madinah along with Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace upon him) should protest against this unlawful behavior of the polytheists of Makkah. Prophet Ibrahim (Peace upon him) established Masjid Ul Haram following the order of Allah Subhan Allahu Ta’ala and invited every Muslim to visit the place during the Hajj season and Umrah. So, outsiders have equal rights to perform their Hajj, where polytheists were strongly forbidden to worship their deities inside the holy Masjid Ul Haram. Allah gives the essence of good news in Surah Al Hajj that soon the Muslims, true believers of Allah, followers of Hazrat Ibrahim would wear the fame of winning the Prophet’s birthplace, Makkah city.

Benefits of reciting Surah Al-Hajj:

By reciting the surah with meanings, one can get aware of the consequences of Qayamat. Surah Al-Hajj clearly explained that one’s right should not be violated, if so, he/she has to protest against the violation. This surah expresses the quality of clear justice of Allah which is a learning for us. Verses of this surah also indicate the importance of the hajj and Qurbani in Islam.

Every surah in Quran Ul Kareem is significant from its own aspect. Surah Al Hajj is not apart from the characteristics. This surah expresses about the Prophets, polytheists, munafiqs, Hudaibiyah contract and Quraish of Makkah etc. important incidents of Islam. So, a Muslim should recite Surah Al Hajj properly to acquire more knowledge about his/her religion.

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