Sacred Mushroom And the Cross PDF

In his book, Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, John M. Allegro argues that Christianity is a direct continuation of ancient pagan religions which worshipped mushrooms as gods. He claims that the Christian cross is actually a stylized mushroom, and that many other aspects of Christianity can be explained as corruptions of earlier pagan beliefs. While some of Allegro’s ideas have been accepted by scholars, many remain highly controversial.

In his book Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, John M. Allegro argues that Christianity is a direct outgrowth of ancient pagan fertility cults. He claims that the story of Jesus was invented by the early Church fathers in order to appeal to pagans and bring them into the fold. Allegro’s theory has been met with much skepticism, but there is no denying that he makes some compelling arguments.

For example, Allegro points to the fact that many of the key figures in Christianity – Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and even Pontius Pilate – all have names which are derived from pagan deities. He also notes that many of the stories in the Bible bear striking similarity to pagan myths. For instance, he points to the story of Jonah and the whale as being strikingly similar to an ancient Babylonian myth about a man who is swallowed by a fish and then spits him back up onto dry land.

Whether or not you buy into Allegro’s theory, it’s impossible to deny that he raises some interesting points. It’s certainly food for thought, and his book is definitely worth reading if you’re interested in exploring alternative theories about Christianity.

The Sacred Mushroom And the Cross Pdf Free Download


In John Allegro’s book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, he makes the claim that Christianity was heavily influenced by pagan fertility cults. He suggests that many of the stories in the Bible are actually allegories for fertility rites and that Jesus Christ was likely a fictional character created to represent these practices. While Allegro’s theories have been largely debunked, his book remains an interesting read for anyone interested in alternative interpretations of Christian history.


What was the Main Idea behind Allegro’S Book

In his book, Allegro argues that the main idea behind Christianity is that it was created by Jewish leaders in order to control the masses. He claims that the Bible was written by these leaders in order to promote their own agenda and to keep people under their thumb. He also alleges that many of the stories in the Bible are fabricated, and that Jesus was not actually a historical figure.

What Evidence Did He Present to Support His Claims

In his book, The Universe in a Nutshell, Stephen Hawking presents a great deal of evidence to support his claim that the universe is finite. First, he looks at the amount of matter in the universe. If the universe were infinite, then there would be an infinite amount of matter.

However, we know from observations that there is a finite amount of matter in the universe. Therefore, it must be finite. Next, Hawking looks at the distribution of matter in the universe.

If the universe were infinite, then we would expect to seematter evenly distributed throughout it. However, we observe that there are large voids where there is very little or no matter at all. This clumping of matter indicates that the overall size of the universe is finite.

Finally, Hawking looks at the curvature of space-time. He uses Einstein’s theory of general relativity to show that if the universe were infinite, then space-time would be flat (or have zero curvature). However, observations indicate that space-time is curved on a large scale.

This can only be explained if the universe is finite in size. Overall, Stephen Hawking provides strong evidence to support his claim thatthe universe is indeed finite in size and age.

How Did His Ideas Differ from the Traditional View of Christianity

In the early 1800s, a man named Joseph Smith had visions that led him to start a new religion called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormonism. Mormons believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, but they have additional scriptures and beliefs that differ from traditional Christianity. For example, Mormons believe in continuing revelation from God and that He speaks to His prophets today just as He did in Bible times.

They also believe that families can be together forever if they are sealed in the Mormon temples. Additionally, Mormons teach that God is interested in all people and wants them to progress and become like Him.

What were Some of the Controversial Topics That He Discussed

There were many controversial topics that he discussed, but some of the most notable ones include: -The existence of God -The nature of reality

-The morality of abortion -The death penalty -Euthanasia

John Allegro’s “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross” (feat. Terence Mckenna)


In his book, Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, John M. Allegro argues that Christianity is a continuation of ancient pagan religions which worshipped mushrooms as gods. He claims that the story of Jesus is a allegory for the mushroom life cycle, and that many Christian symbols and rituals are based on mushroom symbolism. While some of his theories have been debunked by scholars, Allegro’s work remains an important contribution to the study of early Christianity and its relation to paganism.

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