Kendrick Johnson Autopsy Report PDF

The autopsy for Kendrick Johnson, the black teenager who was found dead in a rolled up gym mat at his high school in Georgia, has been released. The cause of death is still undetermined, but the autopsy shows that there were no signs of foul play and that Kendrick likely died from positional asphyxia. On … Read more

Kurt Cobain Autopsy Report PDF

In 1994, Kurt Cobain was found dead in his home in Seattle, Washington. A coroner’s report later ruled that the Nirvana frontman had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a shotgun. However, some people believe that Cobain was actually murdered, and new evidence has come to light that raises serious questions about … Read more

Princess Diana Autopsy Report PDF

The autopsy of Princess Diana was performed on Sunday, September 1, 1997, at 6:00 a.m. in the presence of three surgeons at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, France. The official cause of death was recorded as “cerebral trauma” and “internal bleeding”, with the verdict being classified as “unlawful killing” by inquest later on. When Princess Diana … Read more

The Stay At Home Chef Family Favorites Cookbook PDF

A beautiful hardcover cookbook containing all the family and fan favorites from the popular Stay-at-Home Chef website. Rachel Farnsworth, also known as The Stay-at-Home Chef, has long been known by her fans and followers as someone who is relatable and down-to-earth, but her recipes are what really make people fans. The Stay-at-Home Chef Family Favorites Cookbook is … Read more

Seriously Good Chili Cookbook [ PDF Free ]

No one takes chili more seriously than Brian Baumgartner, aka Kevin Malone from The Office! Brian Baumgartner’s first cookbook about his all-time favorite food both on- and off-screen — chili 177 chili recipes from restaurant owners, chefs, chili cook-off winners, Brian Baumgartner himself, his dedicated fans, and more Spiral binding lays flat for ease of use in the kitchen … Read more


The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle is a classic children’s book that has been loved by generations. The story follows a caterpillar who eats his way through an array of food, eventually turning into a beautiful butterfly. The book is simple and charming, with bright illustrations that capture the imagination. It’s no wonder that … Read more

Fairy Tale Stephen King [ PDF Free ]

The modern fairy tale is a bit of an oxymoron. It’s a genre that has its roots in oral storytelling, passed down from generation to generation. But the fairy tales we know today are largely thanks to the Brothers Grimm, who collected and published them in the early 1800s. And while many of these stories … Read more

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Book PDF

This book is about the letters of the alphabet and how they are all different. The letters are all illustrated with different animals to show their personality. The story follows the letters as they race up a coconut tree to see who will get to the top first. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a classic … Read more

Dukh Bhanjani Sahib Path PDF

This path is one of the most popular among Sikhs. It was written by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism. The path contains hymns that praise God and offer solace to those who are suffering. The hymns are recited by Sikhs during their daily prayers, and they are also used in many religious … Read more