A Complete Guide to the Midnight Sun

The midnight sun pdf is actually the latest title. And a continuation of author Stephenie Meyer’s story of the four-book Twilight collection. Those who may not know about the books clearly are familiar with the Twilight movies from a few years ago.

The entire collection has sold over 100 million copies, spawned a movie series, and catapulted some actor’s careers.  This book, which is set for release in 2020, is a companion book to the 2005 twilight series. And it tells the story from the actual perspective of Edward Cullen rather than the heroine Bella Swan.

Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined

The fifth novel of the story looks at life from Edward’s eyes. The dreamy, dark, sparkling vampire, and his human, eternal lover, young Bella.

This new novel takes us back to their meeting with a familiar rhythm, falling in love at school. Gleams on the sunny meadows, introducing his family, rescuing her from the evil vampire, and inviting her to the dance party.

No, it is not a sequel to “Twilight.” However, they call it a companion novel. So the story is not original if you are expecting that since the events. And the timeline is pretty much the same.

The teen drama has its haters. And personally, I think they might be right because this book I clearly the worst of the series. However, I would suggest keeping an open mind, or you won’t enjoy it.

This unforgettable story told through Edward’s eyes has taken a new and utterly dark turn. Bella’s meeting is the most disturbing and exciting event that he has experienced as a vampire in recent years.

As we get more exciting details about Edward’s past. And his inner thoughts’ complexity, we understand why this was the defining struggle of his life. If it means putting Bella in danger, how can he follow his heart?

Midnight Sun Leaked Manuscript Pdf

Twelve years after the release of the closest film series “Breaking Dawn,” Meyer has released the long-awaited Midnight Sun. This book has been in the works since 2008. But after the first few chapters were leaked in 2011, it ended up in the vault. And it took this much time to get a release.

Midnight Sun Review

The main difference between Bella’s “Twilight” and Edward’s “Midnight Sun” is the vampire’s exceptional ability to listen to others. When his sister Alice sees the future, Edward listens to Bella’s people or yells at Alice. These two techniques are more like a conspiracy. It works like crazy. This is what Twihard already knows from Twilight.

But Edward suffers from the need to bite a new girl at school, which should give the story a dark modern twist. Instead, on page 150, he desperately fell in love with her. And his emotions are immediately in full swing. The next 600 pages make it uncomfortable for the non-fan. To sit next to a young couple who never stops kissing.

It’s hard to find a charming Bella like Edward. Her personality is by no means unique, and now she is choke-full by her lovely gaze. But all in all, these two stories at least represent mutual attraction. After Twilight receives criticism for forcing a relationship romance, “Midnight Sun” can be seen as Meyer’s attempt to start again.

Is Midnight Sun Worth a read

Many people are at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that’s about the right time to pick up the book. After a release on August 4, the book sold 1 million copies in the first week. When I picked up the 627-page novel, there were no words to explain my feelings and excitement.

I actually feel like I finally got closure after so many years. It may seem the same because this book is from the perspective of Edward’s, Twilight. But it shows an aspect of Edward that the audience has never seen before.

Throughout the book, Edward’s telepathic talent gives us a glimpse of some of the characters’ ideas. Edward’s idea was to make people hate him, but they loved him more in the end. Bella has become a beacon of light in his dark life. You begin to understand his decisions and actions. They can hurt, but they are all meant to protect Bella. Edward uses a new method to paint Bella. This is different from the first book when we are first introduced to Bella.

Meyer has announced plans to dedicate this book to her fans. And publish three more books, but it is unknown to the general public whether these books will be presented from Edward’s point of view.

Maybe the story of Renesmee Cullen and Jacob Black? Personally, I think this book is worth a read for ardent Twilight fans. But if you are new to the series, I would suggest reading the other books first. 

The Midnight Sun Twilight Movie

For diehard teen fans, of course, they want this book made into a movie. Besides, selling a million copies in the first week clearly sends the message that this option should be explored. However, since there are no new materials. And three more books in the works, I think they can flesh it out then.

Maybe or just an example in the new story. They use this book as a flashback sequence in a future movie. But instead of flashing back to the Twilight movies, they flashback and change the perspective of this book.

Personally, I would think that this would be better than making a standalone flashback kind of movie. Don’t you think this would make a better movie and one worth watching for everyone, even the casual fan?

Final Worlds

When Edward met Bella, an iconic love story was born, but we have followed this story through Bella’s eyes as fans. And now, we have an opportunity to do so through Edwards’s eyes. It is a complete and different look at the Twilight books reimagined. For fans of the series, please don’t fret because as much as this new book has been highly anticipated. She promises that more books are also on the way.

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